Rise of the Pumkin

The year is 2019. This was the year I was supposed to graduate from high school, but no. Something.... horrible... has happened. These creatures called the Pumkins have started an uprising. What are the Pumkins, you ask? They are savage monsters. They take from your diner without paying, they have very horrible attitudes, and they ARE horrible overall. I will tell you.... of the story... of the Rise of the Pumkin.


Sleep was almost impossible with the wobbling of the prisoner container. There was only one window, and the other rebel prisoners were huddling around it, trying to remember what the outside looked like. The container wobbled up and down on the coarse dirt road, each wheel spinning over and over again, the whole thought of the process just made me plain nauseous. The container kept moving. If we got too noisy, a stock and stern voice, probably the driver would yell at us. Usually he would say "NO!", and we would usually hear his voice, and stop for a little while, but after about 15 minutes, I think, we would continue the conversation. This would happen for 3 minutes before the driver interrupts again.
It was very boring on the container, we would try to play games with each other to pass the time, but if the driver heard us having too much fun.. he would make us shut up as usual. After some time passed, the ride became less bumpy. That meant I finally had a chance to get some sleep. I slowly closed my eyes, and soon sleep drifted over me. I don't know how long I slept, but I was rudely awoken by cymbals crashing. The rest of the rebel prisoners lifted up like a catapult,  along with myself. After a brief wait of about 2 minutes, a squeaking noise was heard as the container door was secured and slowly opened. The light came into the container as the door was open, 2 figures stood in the doorway, except they didn't look human.... they were pumpkins with arms and legs and very poorly drawn faces. I shuddered at the sight of the two soldiers. Both of them wore a camouflage shirt and pants, with a grey kevlar vest, and each carried a M4A1. The two soldiers signaled us to step out of the container. Each of us took 5 steps out of the prisoner container. Once we were all out, the left soldier went over to the drivers side and said "butter. butter." after hearing this, the container drove off.